Saturday, March 19, 2011

So.. Funny Story

So a funny story. You will LOVE this. Because it screams Lisette and my life.
I went to a church meeting with my mom the other night. Just kind of something to do. So I went along with. Yes I know I have a very awesome life. I would have been hang out with some friends, but they were out of town. So I was left with my mom. Anyway this man was there. And his name was Turner. And I wanted to scream…
“Ahhhh you remind me of a blog I am in the process of anyayzing by someone with some what of the same name. you would love this guy! You remind me so much of him. not only do you look like him, but you sort of act like him. oh man if you two were to be put in a room together.”

Those were pretty much my exact thoughts. and for the whole conversation I could only think of Frederick Turner’s blog. And how I wanted to sit down with this man Turner and say see you are just like Frederick! But that did not happen… go figure.
It was just so funny on how the only person I could think of was Frederick’s blog and this man Turner. Ha it makes me laugh the connections to my social life and my academic life and how closely related they are.

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