Wednesday, March 30, 2011

EH! Term Paper idea..

For my final paper… I will write about a good topic. So here it is.. this is my very rough rough rough thesis statement.

I feel that there is a little bit of Bills personality in every character. With that being said, I feel like every play though different, is the same. They have all the same plot lines, characters, events, characters names. One is just different wording and characters than the other. They all go around in a circle. (this is where the myth comes in ;) )

One can take the beginning of one play, the middle of another play, and the end of yet another play, and put them all three together, to make one big play, and the plays being the same will flow just fine. Because all of the plays are the same in lots of ways, it doesn’t make a difference what play it is with the other. They are all the same, having the same ending, plot, meaning, etc.

So there you have it kids! My rough thesis of my term paper! Any ideas? Let me know! Only good ones of course :)

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