Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Standing the Test of Time

For my Literally Criticism class last semester I wrote a paper on artists who are standing the test of time. And I used Shakespeare as an example. So I thought I would include this paper into my blogs because here is yet again another reference to Shakespeare in my everyday life.

NOTE: The picture is of me of course in my room on my couch with my BEAST of a Bloom book, and the piece of paper that was in the book upon my buying it!

Humes main argument is whether an artist or author can stand the test of time. Meaning if the author can stay famous and not die out over the years, then that is a good artist or author. These authors and artist are still having records being sold, or books being sold. These authors have proven that they can stand the test of time. These authors and artist have good tastes in what they want, and they have high standards that they must reach every time. These authors will have high standards that they author will want to meet. By meeting these high standards proves that the author can still come out and write a piece that will sell out.

All authors have a standard of taste. These standards help them so that they will always write good pieces and will always sell out. These good authors will never die. If they die in real life, they will not figuratively die. Even though some great authors are not here anymore their works still are. Take William Shakespeare for example, even though he has been dead for so many decades his works still live on. Some of his plays are still some of the most read. They are propionate in the schools. Teachers will teach their students the plays of Shakespeare. He has stood the test of time.
Lady Gaga is an artist whose music will stand the test of time. She is something different in every aspect of music and literature. Her lyrics are literature and they are lyrics that speak to the common man. Her lyrics might not impact the listener but they will make the listener listen more closely to her, and will want to always listen to her. The way she dresses also makes a statement.

An artist or author, who stands the test of time, makes statements out of their works. They take a chance and do something that is against the social norm. What makes them stand the test of time is if they willing to take the chance. Critics admire people who will take a chance when they won’t. They latch onto these people because they want to know what they will do next. The power of excitement is what has people wanting to know more about these artists. Good artist never die. If the author or artist is good at what they do, and always pleases their readers and listeners with things that they want to hear and read then they will stay loyal to their favorite.

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