Saturday, February 5, 2011

I woke up and it was ALL a dream

I woke up and it was all a dream.

As a person I hate having that be the end of any story. Doesn’t matter the movie or the book I hate that ending. I think it is such an easy way of getting out of the hardest part to the story-the ending. When I was in school writing stories in my creative writing classes I could never end my story with I woke up and it was all a dream. I hate how even some movies and books that make millions of dollars end their plots with this simple and basic line.

It gives the whole meaning to the plot no meaning at all. Like everything that happened didn’t matter. Believe me I saw Inception and it blew my mind in so many ways, and I want to watch it over and over again to understand the ending… was it a dream or not. Was the whole plot of the story just a dream that meant nothing to the writer and the actors? Did writer and director Christopher Nolan not think of anything better to end his mind blowing movie?

All in all that is the beauty of this movie, is that you as an audience member are left to question and wonder, and we still won’t know even if we watch it over and over and 100 times more. I feel like MSND falls in to this category. It just ends with me wanting more. More questions than answers. Wondering why everything happened the way it did, and how everything was played out in the end. I felt like my questions were not answered and I didn’t know how to go about the ending. Was it all a dream? Or was it real events that had the audience captivated in the events? Or was it the fact that the audience was dreaming along with the actors.
Ah its just one big question these days. Was Bill dreamin his whole life? And he would of loved loved Inception!!

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