Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So I will just get this out there. I live in the dorms, but I live alone. I have my own room so that’s very nice, not having to do the roommate thing again. Seems like I can’t hang out with my girls as much as I would like sometimes because I have to read or blog or do something pertaining to my wonderful major. This semester I have realized that this is my worst semester in the reading load. But nevertheless I will pull through!

So I ordered my secondary text on Amazon last week for a wallet busting $11. I order all of my books that I need for school on Amazon. I really love the site when it comes to buying books, but that’s beyond the point. But I finally got my Harold Bloom book! Its here I have a little red slip in my mail box saying that I have a package waiting for me at the front desk! I get this huge box! I had no idea what was coming my way. I was so excited to open this package. So I ripped open the box-just to find my secondary text. All 745 pages of Bloom. My friends were excited I got a package, until I showed them what it was. But there was something about it that made me excited. I don’t know if it was because it was another book to add to my collection, or if it was one of those books that I could toat around and show off that I was “reading” this really great theoretical text. I don’t know what it is. I’m still kind of excited about it. I have not really had the time to “dive right in” to the text yet. I plan on getting knee deep into it this weekend.

As I’m thumbing through all daunting 745 pages a piece of paper falls out of the book. Keep in mind that this is a used book from Amazon. It’s a clipping from a magazine that has 3 books that pertain to Shakespeare. The books are Shakespeare A life by Park Honan, Harold Blooms book, and get this- Shakespeare for Dummies. I think it was a fun sign I guess we can call it on why I was excited for this book in the first place. This little piece of paper was just enough to make me excited about this book!

Hope all is well! Until then – I’ll keep reading the mounds of books that I have! 

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