Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sex Sells

For every teen who did not get the sex talk in high school, they got it in class on Thursday. What a way to do a sex talk! Thank you Dr. Sexson!

We all know that sex sells. Walking down the street and you see that “cute” couple sharing a moment we will call it. We all know what moment I am talking about. You don’t want to stare but you find yourself staring. And we think to ourselves… “self don’t be looking at this, this isn’t something that I enjoy looking at.” But you keep looking. Is it the cursorily that has us grasped us to watch this couple? Or is it that we crave that attention that these two people are sharing? What is it about sex that sells?

Lets just ask Bill. I’m sure that he knows why sex sells. His plays and sonnets are full of sex. And if they are not straight out saying things about sex, there is an underlying meaning of sex. He is always writing about sex.
That is the point of life right- to have sex procreate and die. That sounds about right to me. When I was sitting in class and the topic came up that kids often times look like their parents well that’s preaching to the choir in my position. My mom and I look so much alike. I get the comment every time I am introduced to my mom’s friends. Oh gosh Lisette you look so much like your mom. Ha yes always. If only you knew we were nothing alike. Just the looks. Thank you Bill!

So what I’ve learned so far are three main things to do in life. You are born, you procreate and you die. Nuff Said my friends. Thankkk you Bill!

1 comment:

  1. Lisette,

    This is Joe Thiel. I couldn't find the rest of the group after class yesterday. Could you fill me in (comment on my blog) as to what was discussed and what out plan is.


