Wednesday, January 19, 2011

High School

Where did all the good people go?

Thank you Jack Johnson. Haha ok so then I was thinking what I should blog on. I usually get the best ideas when I am not thinking and looking for a topic to write about. It usually like most things in life-just comes to me. I have my mind on high school lately, because I have a ton of girls who are my friends, who happen to be freshman. So they still talk about high school. I want to teach high school when I grow up, and the last blog topic for most people was all about high school. So I’ve been thinking a lot about high school, what I did in English classes and how that has changed since I’ve been in college.

I remember for a unit we were doing in high school and we were reading Lord of the Flies and after we got done reading it we had the usual test and all that jazz. Then we watched The Simponsons episode that was done with the idea of the book. The whole episode was all centered on the plot of the book we had just read. As a 7th grader I was shocked that comedy cartoons were making a show after a book that lots of people read—or so they should.

But it doesn’t stop there. There are soo many cartoons and political TV shows that revolve around literature that is studied by us college students. And sometimes our professors bring in clips of these shows and we get to do the fun stuff, dissecting them and getting to the “bare bones” of the clips and then of course relating it to the text that it coensides with. That right there ruins the episode because it isn’t funny anymore and I have exposed it for what it really is. Pure and hard literature.
I googled Shakespeare in cartoon TV shows and I got so many hits on youtube and I got so many different videos that I can watch. And I posted the one that I watched and that was my fav. So I think how funny that it is that technology has taken over and put something so “educational” and made into a show that middle school aged kids watch and love. To a point they know what they are watching and what it means, but then they don’t.

All in all its great, it gets kid introduced to Shakespeare while they sit on their asses, get fat and watch TV.  just kidding.
Enjoy watching and not getting fat!!

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