LOVE THIS! Go to about 6:50 in, or about 7 mintues in, and listen! He is everywhere! Ha!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
EH! Term Paper idea..
For my final paper… I will write about a good topic. So here it is.. this is my very rough rough rough thesis statement.
I feel that there is a little bit of Bills personality in every character. With that being said, I feel like every play though different, is the same. They have all the same plot lines, characters, events, characters names. One is just different wording and characters than the other. They all go around in a circle. (this is where the myth comes in ;) )
One can take the beginning of one play, the middle of another play, and the end of yet another play, and put them all three together, to make one big play, and the plays being the same will flow just fine. Because all of the plays are the same in lots of ways, it doesn’t make a difference what play it is with the other. They are all the same, having the same ending, plot, meaning, etc.
So there you have it kids! My rough thesis of my term paper! Any ideas? Let me know! Only good ones of course :)
I feel that there is a little bit of Bills personality in every character. With that being said, I feel like every play though different, is the same. They have all the same plot lines, characters, events, characters names. One is just different wording and characters than the other. They all go around in a circle. (this is where the myth comes in ;) )
One can take the beginning of one play, the middle of another play, and the end of yet another play, and put them all three together, to make one big play, and the plays being the same will flow just fine. Because all of the plays are the same in lots of ways, it doesn’t make a difference what play it is with the other. They are all the same, having the same ending, plot, meaning, etc.
So there you have it kids! My rough thesis of my term paper! Any ideas? Let me know! Only good ones of course :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Books Books Books!
So one would think because of spring break I have no homework and my teachers gave me a break. Ha yea right. Think again. I have a very detailed lesson plan due when I get back, a paper to write on a very depressing book. And I am avoiding that paper, because I do not want to be depressed this break, so the next best thing is to sit in the library and blog. I love the public library in Helena. It is such a wonderful place to walk around, look at books, chat with the people I know here, and then go into a corner and read a book.
Well I came to the library to get some work done, because I know I would not get it done at home, plus I wanted to get out of the house. First on my things to do was to blog about Antony and Cleopatra. So I go to the Shakespeare section of the library to take out the play (because I was not going to bring home my big door stop of a book, just to write a blog) and I knew the library would have it. Oh my gosh, they not only just have Antony and Cleopatra, but they have every book ever published on, about, regarding anything about Shakespeare! It takes up three whole shelves. I don’t know why I was so surprised, I just was.
I came across a book called Becoming Shakespeare –The Unlikely Afterlife That Turned A Provincial Playwright Into the Bard by Jack Lynch. Just thumbing through this book makes me laugh! Some of the chapters are just to funny. Such as Forging Shakespeare, Domesticating Shakespeare, and Worshiping Shakespeare. It was all to funny to keep to myself.
Another thing that I have to share is that I am a very organized person. I keep all of my ideas on sticky notes. I have Hello Kitty sticky notes everywhere in my room. I like to write down my ideas because I’m too afraid that I will forget them. So now I have discovered a little sticky note application on my computer. I will now use this to write down my blog ideas. I always find myself having ideas to blog about and only half of my ideas get “published” we will say. So not that I have this sticky note application and still 3 good days left of my spring break I guess we will see what does get published!
So.. Funny Story
So a funny story. You will LOVE this. Because it screams Lisette and my life.
I went to a church meeting with my mom the other night. Just kind of something to do. So I went along with. Yes I know I have a very awesome life. I would have been hang out with some friends, but they were out of town. So I was left with my mom. Anyway this man was there. And his name was Turner. And I wanted to scream…
“Ahhhh you remind me of a blog I am in the process of anyayzing by someone with some what of the same name. you would love this guy! You remind me so much of him. not only do you look like him, but you sort of act like him. oh man if you two were to be put in a room together.”
Those were pretty much my exact thoughts. and for the whole conversation I could only think of Frederick Turner’s blog. And how I wanted to sit down with this man Turner and say see you are just like Frederick! But that did not happen… go figure.
It was just so funny on how the only person I could think of was Frederick’s blog and this man Turner. Ha it makes me laugh the connections to my social life and my academic life and how closely related they are.
I went to a church meeting with my mom the other night. Just kind of something to do. So I went along with. Yes I know I have a very awesome life. I would have been hang out with some friends, but they were out of town. So I was left with my mom. Anyway this man was there. And his name was Turner. And I wanted to scream…
“Ahhhh you remind me of a blog I am in the process of anyayzing by someone with some what of the same name. you would love this guy! You remind me so much of him. not only do you look like him, but you sort of act like him. oh man if you two were to be put in a room together.”
Those were pretty much my exact thoughts. and for the whole conversation I could only think of Frederick Turner’s blog. And how I wanted to sit down with this man Turner and say see you are just like Frederick! But that did not happen… go figure.
It was just so funny on how the only person I could think of was Frederick’s blog and this man Turner. Ha it makes me laugh the connections to my social life and my academic life and how closely related they are.
Kill em All!

So I am just thinking and writing down my ideas. But why is Shakespeare the greatest author? Why are his plays so widely known and loved? To me I enjoy some of them, but I do not think they are the greatest pieces of literature ever published. Most of his plays are the same too. He ends up killing most or all of the subjects. Even the important ones, who did nothing wrong get clipped off.
Yes I know tis life, in the end everyone will die. But I don’t think its fun to read a play when really I know how things will be taken care of in the end. They will all die. Why Shakespeare must you kill off all of the characters in your plays. Just clip them off. ha I don’t really know how to end this story, sooo I’ll just kill everybody. Why not. Seems good enough for me.
Now I don’t really want an answer to this question. I’m just saying. He just kills everyone in his play. And really, why is that?
Antony and Cleopatra
I must say I am in love with Antony and Cleopatra! I loved loved this play! I cannot get enough of it. I have not read it upon reading it for this class. I read it and could not put my door stop book down! Can you feel the love and excitement that I have for this play yet? Shall I use more exclamation marks?
This will be for a long time, and perhaps forever my fav Shakespeare play. Having Dr. Minton come in and speak with us was a nice change of pace from the normal everyday go of things. she is quite inspirational. To me this is NOT the greatest love story in the history of literature. it is the exact opposite. I do not like how Antony is always following Cleopatra around, I do not like how she makes all of the decisions. It is safe to say that she wears the pants in the relationship. She will not let Antony make one decision. I wonder why is that? Then it got me thinking that Cleopatra has to be in charge of everything, that is she afraid that if Antony sees someone new and different and then he will leave her. But Cleopatra being the bold and strong personality that she is, shouldn’t it be easy for her to just move on and find someone else?
In this play Cleopatra is so selfish. She wants everything to be her way or no way. she wants people to work around her, she wants the perfect man. And if she doesn’t find him, she will find one and mold him into her perfect man. Which she does with Antony. Antony does not have a single say in this play at all. He does what Cleopatra tells him. and you know what, he seems just fine with being the one who is bossed around. Not once that I came across does he stand up for himself. He never says one thing to make Cleopatra think otherwise. He wants to make her happy yes, but does he know any different?
Like Matt had said in class this is your typical high school love story, yes, but these players are old! They are older people living in a teen age life. I think that Cleopatra is so in love with the idea of being in love, that she cannot be alone. Thus is the controlling of Antony. She will ensure that he will never leave her, if she gives him everything he wants. Sex and food. But how can they get it on if they are never alone on stage? I guess people back then were more open to the idea of sex.
High school girls should be taking tips from her. Because she put on her big girl pants and she courted HIM! she went after Antony to make him hers. She drew him in. not the other way around. Talk about an aggressive woman. And look what happens, he stays. He wouldn’t have it any other way. he thinks like is grand with her, which is probably is, but is Antony really in it for love like she “is” In act three scene 11 we see that they both are really in love with each other, but they know no other love with anyone else.
Being in love is a powerful thing. Different people portray love in different ways. For Cleopatra its keeping her boo on a thigh leash so that other girls don’t snag him up. I feel like she is consistently looking for something good. She is playing Antony. She is always on the lookout for someone new, but Antony doesn’t notice this because he is to at the hands and feet of Cleopatra. When Antony and Caesar go to battle I feel like it is a metaphor in a battle for Cleopatra’s heart. Well Caesar looses this battle, but can really see the true colors of Cleopatra and doesn’t want her, so he just gives her back to Antony. Then Antony gets to look like the hero of the story, when I feel like Caesar didn’t put up a very good fight. So it’s just handed over. But in the end it is what it is.
Then can we please talk about wanting to be remembered! We all want to be remembered and not forgotten. And let me tell you I’m going to remember Cleopatra for the rest of my life. her high school drama is enough to make you remember her. Her keeping Antony on such a tight leash is enough to remember her. Her being so freaking dramatic through the whole play is enough to remember her by. Cleopatra you’ve done your part on being remembered. But now lets go out with a bang! Got to leave the audience wanting more at the end of the play. When in all reality it’s the end of the play. Nothing more to do. Again that right there is enough for me to remember her by. She is done with the play and yet she still wants more! Of course she wants more. The audience is sitting there and she needs them to keep going with her story. But good ole Bill, in order to end the play, he will just kill off all the players. Done, and done. Plays done and everyone is dead.
As much as I have ratted on this play, I loved it. because it was so dramatic! I love drama, and gossip. And there is plenty of that. And I for some reason admire Cleopatra. I want to know more about her, and her ways. I would give anything to spend one more day on this play, but as always, time will not allow.
This will be for a long time, and perhaps forever my fav Shakespeare play. Having Dr. Minton come in and speak with us was a nice change of pace from the normal everyday go of things. she is quite inspirational. To me this is NOT the greatest love story in the history of literature. it is the exact opposite. I do not like how Antony is always following Cleopatra around, I do not like how she makes all of the decisions. It is safe to say that she wears the pants in the relationship. She will not let Antony make one decision. I wonder why is that? Then it got me thinking that Cleopatra has to be in charge of everything, that is she afraid that if Antony sees someone new and different and then he will leave her. But Cleopatra being the bold and strong personality that she is, shouldn’t it be easy for her to just move on and find someone else?
In this play Cleopatra is so selfish. She wants everything to be her way or no way. she wants people to work around her, she wants the perfect man. And if she doesn’t find him, she will find one and mold him into her perfect man. Which she does with Antony. Antony does not have a single say in this play at all. He does what Cleopatra tells him. and you know what, he seems just fine with being the one who is bossed around. Not once that I came across does he stand up for himself. He never says one thing to make Cleopatra think otherwise. He wants to make her happy yes, but does he know any different?
Like Matt had said in class this is your typical high school love story, yes, but these players are old! They are older people living in a teen age life. I think that Cleopatra is so in love with the idea of being in love, that she cannot be alone. Thus is the controlling of Antony. She will ensure that he will never leave her, if she gives him everything he wants. Sex and food. But how can they get it on if they are never alone on stage? I guess people back then were more open to the idea of sex.
High school girls should be taking tips from her. Because she put on her big girl pants and she courted HIM! she went after Antony to make him hers. She drew him in. not the other way around. Talk about an aggressive woman. And look what happens, he stays. He wouldn’t have it any other way. he thinks like is grand with her, which is probably is, but is Antony really in it for love like she “is” In act three scene 11 we see that they both are really in love with each other, but they know no other love with anyone else.
Being in love is a powerful thing. Different people portray love in different ways. For Cleopatra its keeping her boo on a thigh leash so that other girls don’t snag him up. I feel like she is consistently looking for something good. She is playing Antony. She is always on the lookout for someone new, but Antony doesn’t notice this because he is to at the hands and feet of Cleopatra. When Antony and Caesar go to battle I feel like it is a metaphor in a battle for Cleopatra’s heart. Well Caesar looses this battle, but can really see the true colors of Cleopatra and doesn’t want her, so he just gives her back to Antony. Then Antony gets to look like the hero of the story, when I feel like Caesar didn’t put up a very good fight. So it’s just handed over. But in the end it is what it is.
Then can we please talk about wanting to be remembered! We all want to be remembered and not forgotten. And let me tell you I’m going to remember Cleopatra for the rest of my life. her high school drama is enough to make you remember her. Her keeping Antony on such a tight leash is enough to remember her. Her being so freaking dramatic through the whole play is enough to remember her by. Cleopatra you’ve done your part on being remembered. But now lets go out with a bang! Got to leave the audience wanting more at the end of the play. When in all reality it’s the end of the play. Nothing more to do. Again that right there is enough for me to remember her by. She is done with the play and yet she still wants more! Of course she wants more. The audience is sitting there and she needs them to keep going with her story. But good ole Bill, in order to end the play, he will just kill off all the players. Done, and done. Plays done and everyone is dead.
As much as I have ratted on this play, I loved it. because it was so dramatic! I love drama, and gossip. And there is plenty of that. And I for some reason admire Cleopatra. I want to know more about her, and her ways. I would give anything to spend one more day on this play, but as always, time will not allow.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Short Thought on King Lear
So after the completion of King Lear I have been thinking about it lately. Thinking that I need to blog because I haven’t done it in a while so I better jump back on the blogging train.
I really enjoyed King Lear, and I loved the in class explanation of all the detail and what was happening. But I am kind of happy that we are done with it. it was so exhausting! To try and keep up with everyone and their feelers. There are so many feelers in this play. It was so exhausting keeping up with all the triangles and feelers that were happening. I really liked the play don’t get me wrong, but gosh! So exhausting to keep up with it!
I really enjoyed King Lear, and I loved the in class explanation of all the detail and what was happening. But I am kind of happy that we are done with it. it was so exhausting! To try and keep up with everyone and their feelers. There are so many feelers in this play. It was so exhausting keeping up with all the triangles and feelers that were happening. I really liked the play don’t get me wrong, but gosh! So exhausting to keep up with it!
Food, Clothing and Shelter
What do I really need in my life? this is so funny and hits close to home, because my mom would always say to me when I said I wanted something “Lisette do you need, or do you want that? What do you really need in this life, that I brought you into?” and then I would feel like crap for asking if I could even have the item that I wanted. Then she chimes in with some smart comment, that she has provided everything that I must need in my life.
Now there is a running joke in my family if I really need all that I have. And I say no mother I just need food clothing and shelter. Which in turn is true, but what if all I need in my life, is what I don’t know what I need. Can I really pin point something that I need in my life and I will die without? The one thing I need in my life, and will die without is food. Done. But having a nice house, and nice clothes and the newest ipad is all nice things to have.
They say money does not buy happiness, which is true to a certain extent. I say some times with a heavy heart, that material items make me happy. I love having all the nice clothes, jewelry that sparkles, a nice tv to watch all of my fav shows on. All these make me happy. But really do I need all these things? And I know for a fact that I can get along with just the things that I need to get by, food, clothing, and shelter. Because growing up we were not the most materialistic family on the block. So I’ve been there. I know what it’s like growing up with very little. Just the few things I need. Food, clothing and shelter. Everything I have need in my life my mother and father have provided. So I know that even though college they will give me what I need.
But then maybe Morgan was right. All we need is… Love
*Picture of my mom and I at Glacier National Park this past summer
Double Double Toil and Trouble
I have one younger brother. I have a family of four. Growing up in small town Helena Montana my brother and I got along very well. We would always get these comments of people telling my mom that she was so lucky that her two children got along and didn’t have any behavioral problems with each other blah blah blah. To us it didn’t mean anything, my brother was simply my best friend. And we got along great and we would play and shoot the shit together.
But there was one time I can remember of us not getting along, I wouldn’t call it flyting but it was close. I am three years older than Tim so growing up I would always ask him to do random things for me. Pretty much because I was lazy. And I can admit that I’m lazy. So when I was lazy I would ask Tim to get me something, ask my mom a question, get my shoes etc you get the picture. One day when he was about seven it was finally sinking in that I kinda would ask Tim to do random things for me even though I was fully capable of doing it myself, Tim says to me “Ah Lisette you know I’m not your slave and I will not do anything for you anymore.” I said ok and let it sit for a couple of days, and then I would ask him to do something for me again. Then about a month later he realizes that I keep asking him to do things, and says that he refuses to do anything more me anymore! Ha
This is really the only time I can think of me picking on Tim. Of course we have picked on each other a little here and there, but there was not name calling, physical violence or anything of that matter. We have been blessed in the fact that we have a really great relationship. He is my best friend; he knows things that others don’t. So overall we have a one of a kind relationship that is clearly not everywhere.
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